Extend with Cladding & Repair

Using wire arc metal additive manufacturing, improve the wear or corrosion characteristics of your components, or repair them to extend their useful life improving the environmental performance of your organisation.
Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM®) is used in the creation and repair of medium-to-large- components. It can be used to repair holes, cracks, surface marks and notches. The repair is undertaken using three main steps: the removal of defects by machining, the deposition of a suitable metal material to fill the groove using WAAM, and finishing by machining. Reductions in lead-time for replacement components will protect your business from supply chain challenges, whilst reducing costs too
In-situ repair and remanufacturing enabled by availability of digital designs.
Reduced process and delivery time for repairs which can be carried out at your site.
In-situ spot repairs extend product life, and reduce supply chain costs such as transport and storage. Energy consumption efficiencies and savings in raw material cost deliver significant savings.
Compared with product replacement, this form of additive manufacturing can significantly reduce environmental impact by using less energy and raw material, and by producing fewer carbon dioxide emissions and waste material.
Opportunity for component upgrades during the repair process and certifying repair and remanufacturing processes and spare parts to overcome liability issues.
An extremely accurate and consistent weld path and bead size is maintained across the entire area of the repair, with the wire feedstock being fully melted to become an integral part of the final structure.
Here are some of the partners and customers we are proud to be working with.
Case Studies