Innovative Space Carrier Inc. Partners with Global Leaders.

August 19, 2024
5 min read

Innovative Space Carrier Inc. (ISC), headquartered in Tokyo and led by CEO Kojiro Hatada, is a startup aiming to realize a transportation system enabling routine space travel for people and cargo. ISC envisions a world where space travel is as common as everyday deliveries. On July 19th, ISC announced its collaboration with UK-based 3D printer manufacturer WAAM3D, Cranfield University, known for its global expertise in WAAM technology, and Aichi Sangyo Co., Ltd., a pioneer in metal AM in Japan. This strategic collaboration leverages the expertise of each partner to achieve agile development in propellant tank production. Moreover, the application of WAAM to other components and structures will be explored.

Revolutionising Development Speed with AM

Founded in May 2022, ISC is a venture company with the ambitious goal of developing a reusable space transport vehicle within five years. To achieve this, ISC aims to improve development efficiency by adopting an agile development approach instead of the traditional waterfall model. In December last year, ISC conducted its first test and succeeded in Japan’s first "tripropellant" combustion test, confirming the effectiveness of its proprietary research and development platform "P4SD" (Platform for Space Development).

3D printers are crucial for achieving agile development. By shortening the manufacturing period, ISC can quickly iterate the processes of manufacturing, testing, and optimising, thereby enhancing development speed. Additionally, 3D printers offer significant advantages in management and assembly by enabling integrated manufacturing, which eliminates the need for separate part production and assembly. The high degree of freedom in shaping allows for optimal designs, improving functionality while reducing weight.

Global Expertise for Metal AM

WAAM3D is a spin-off from Cranfield University and provides a comprehensive service from the development of WAAM equipment to material production. WAAM3D's technology is utilized in various industries including space, oil and gas, and mining. WAAM3D's equipment theoretically has no size limitations for the workpieces it can create. However, generating shaping paths, fine-tuning shaping conditions, and controlling heat input remain significant challenges. WAAM3D has developed software and various sensors to assist with these issues, enabling visualization and feedback control of the deposition process. In this collaboration, ISC will purchase WAAM3D’s 3D printers to manufacture propellant tanks.

Cranfield University, with over 15 years of experience in metal AM research, houses one of the world's largest metal additive manufacturing facilities. The university's Welding and Additive Manufacturing Center conducts research in material development, cold processing, advanced processes, and partial manufacturing. As part of this collaboration, the university’s expertise will be utilized in the manufacturing of propellant tanks.

Aichi Sangyo, established 80 years ago, has introduced the world’s cutting-edge welding, metallurgical, and machining technologies to the Japanese market, amassing significant experience. In metal AM technology, Aichi Sangyo has been an early adopter in Japan, using AM equipment daily. The company provides a total AM solution by integrating the three key elements of metal AM: systems (manufacturing equipment), materials, and design. In this collaboration, Aichi Sangyo will utilize WAAM3D’s 3D printers purchased by ISC to develop manufacturing technologies for propellant tanks.

Comments from Leaders

Kojiro Hatada, CEO of Innovative Space Carrier Inc. "Although we are a venture company founded in May 2022, we have collaborated with over 40 companies, organizations, and educational institutions in Japan. In April this year, we partnered with Ursa Major Technologies, a U.S. rocket engine development company, and established a local subsidiary. Now, we are collaborating with global experts in 3D printing. Our goal is 'Wakon Yosai' – to humbly learn from partners with advanced knowledge both domestically and internationally, reflect these strengths in Japan, rapidly enhance development speed, and establish space transportation technologies that can compete globally, contributing to the growth of Japan's space industry."

Dr. Filomeno Martina, CEO of WAAM3D "We are incredibly excited to work on such an ambitious project. With partners of such caliber, we look forward to pushing the boundaries of size, integrity, and value creation. WAAM3D continues to be the first choice when performance matters."

Stewart Williams, CTO of WAAM3D “Cranfield University is very pleased to be involved in supporting AS and ICS on their journey into the use of WAAM technology for their space applications. The Welding and Additive Manufacturing Centre at Cranfield has a rich history of innovating in WAAM for space, and we look forward to supporting WAAM3D, AS and ICS with the solutions they need to achieve their objectives”.